måndag 8 mars 2010

Julie & Julia

Ytterligare en ny film till biblioteket, Julie & Julia /2009 i regi av Nora Ephron. Jag såg den igår kväll och det är den roligaste film jag sett på riktigt länge! Filmen är uppbyggd kring två historier. En kring Julia Child som skrev den berömda kokboken The french chef cookbook /1968, Paul Child har gjort illustrationer och fotograferat. Nora Ephron har skrivit manus efter Julia Childs bok My life in France och Julie Powells bok Julie and Julia; my year of cooking dangerously /2006. Meryl Streep gör nog här, i mitt tycke, sin bästa roll hitills som Julia Child, det är hon som gör hela filmen, hennes man Paul Child spelas av Stanley Tucci. Vi befinner oss i Paris och Marseille på 50-talet.
I den andra historien får vi följa Julie som beslutar sig för att laga alla de 524 recepten på 365 dagar. Hon skriver om detta på sin blogg 2002.

Jag hittade intressant information på Wikipedia:
"On August 18, 2004, a documentary filmed during her lifetime premiered. Produced by WGBH, the one-hour feature, Julia Child! America's Favorite Chef, was aired as the first episode of the 18th season of the PBS series American Masters. The film combined archive footage of Child with current footage from those who influenced and were influenced by her life and work. In August 2002, Julie Powell started documenting online her daily experiences cooking each of the 524 recipes in Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Powell later rewrote the blog, "The Julie/Julia Project," into a memoir, Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen (Little, Brown, 2005), the paperback version of which was retitled Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously (Back Bay Books, 2006). Julia Child noted that she was not impressed with Powell's endeavor, saying, "I don't think she's a serious cook." Nora Ephron wrote the screenplay for the film Julie & Julia, which she adapted from Child's memoir My Life in France and from Julie Powell's memoir. The film, directed by Ephron, was released on August 7, 2009 with Meryl Streep playing Child. Streep's performance has been nominated for numerous awards, winning the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical or Comedy."

Om du kommer att titta på filmtrailern nedan så tar det ca 20 sekunder innan den kommer igång.

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